Maths at Dinnington First School
Maths is a skill we use on a daily basis and is an essential part of everyday life. To reflect this at Dinnington First School, mathematics forms an important part of our broad and balanced curriculum where we endeavour to ensure that children develop an enjoyment and enthusiasm for the subject that will stay with them throughout their lives and empower them in the future. Our maths curriculum is based on the White Rose Maths scheme which can be found following the link below.
We believe that developing mathematical fluency is an essential life skill for all learners and is a pre-requisite to being able to reason and solve problems mathematically. At Dinnington, we concentrate on the development of basic mathematical fact recall and fluent basic calculation skills so that more complex mathematical concepts can be approached with confidence. We use concrete resources and pictorial representations at all ages, to enable children to help build secure understanding of new concepts.
Dinnington KIRFs
KIRFs - Key Instant Recall Facts
Having maths facts at your finger tips makes learning new maths skills easier. For this reason we have identified some key facts in each year group that need to be instantly recalled.
At the start of every 6 week block of learning children are set some number facts to learn off by heart. These are visited in school during maths lessons but it is also expected that they are practiced at home as well. At the end of each block children will be tested in timed conditions to ensure facts are known rather than calculated.
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Times Table Rock Stars