SEND Information

Who To Contact
School SENDC0 Natalia Yates 01661 822457
If you have any questions regarding SEND please contact our coordinator Mrs N Yates through the school office Tel: 01661 822457 Email:
Useful Links for Parents and Carers

Newcastle Families Information Service – provides a guide to local organisations, childcare and events.
 Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service provide information, advice and support at any stage of a child or young person’s education, and we provide an Independent Supporter for families in the process of getting an Education Health and Care Plan.

This is an impartial confidential service.

Telephone: 0191 284 0480


Family, Advice and support team (Previously North East Special Needs Network (NSNN)

Supports families with disabled children and young people from birth to 25 years. The team provides information and advice on a range of issues, from helping you to navigate your way around the Local Offer, connecting you with other services, to offering advice on a range of specific issues such as transport, holidays, activities and planning for adulthood.

Telephone: 0191 281 8737


Further information can be found through the following websites: 

Newcastle Support Director

National Autism Society

SEND Policy and Information Report
Newcastle Local Offer

Click on the link below to find out more information about the help and support that Newcastle and neighbouring local authorities can provide.